

Engineering – the Root of Great Performance

Great Wifi Networks never happen by accident or by just throwing something together. They come together with focus, thought, planning and experience with many different designs and requirements all rolled into your successful WiFi network. We create solid, performing WiFi networks every day at AON. Those AON enabled networks meet and exceed the corporate requirements of Hotels, Apartment complexes, Retail and Entertainment venues around North America and India.

Any Property – any size – we can handle them all.

At AON our WiFi Engineers design cost effective high speed solutions for hotels and businesses of all sizes. Every year new technologies enable AON to provide new solutions to old problems and challenges with aging infrastructure and real world requirements for every increasing bandwidth capacity. Every business has its unique goals to serve and communicate with their clients in new ways and AON is always ready to help you do what you thought was impossible last year. Don’t be shy, ask us if we can help when you’ve got a great idea that you don’t think anybody can bring to life effectively within your budget. AON’s extensive experience and exposure to key technologies enables us to solve almost any WiFi network operational challenge.

To win – start with the basics – we do

We design WiFi networks to win and to do so we start with the basics. We start with a site survey to identify construction materials or building feature designs that might interfere with WiFi signals. Did you know that tinted glass, plants, people, aquariums and some types of older building materials will block WiFi signals 100%? We do and we know a lot more than that as a result of years of install experience and testing. All of this combined leads AON to create optimal WiFi designs to ensure no dead spots and reliable coverage to provide WiFi roaming within your property.

We love our Work and all that it brings

We now live in a world that can’t imagine living without WiFi. 10 years ago it seemed like a great idea for the few that were using it. Now it is the single most rated and requested amenity in hotels and public service areas. Everything is headed to the cloud so that you can access your data anywhere, any time you want it or need it. But that only works if WiFi is reliable, supplied by a very fast internet connection to your property. All of this requires constant attention and monitoring by cloud based dashboards that AON provides with all of its installations.

WiFi – User Analytics and Marketing – now and easy to do

AON knows that you want to analyze all of your client usage of your WiFi and to have all of that data summarized into simple, meaningful demographic segmentation with just a push of a button.  Ask us we’ll show you how by using AON’s engineered solutions.

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